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Create Zotero Groups

To create a group you will first need to create a Zotero account.

You can create a group via the Zotero pane in Firefox (once you've installed Zotero). To create a group from the Zotero pane, click the New Group icon next to the New Collection icon near the top of Zotero's left column. This will open the Zotero website in the current Firefox tab, prompting you to log in if you haven't already done so. You can also create groups directly from the Groups tab on the Zotero website. In either case, once you've signed in you will see the following:

Group Types


Zotero groups can be private, public (with closed membership) or public (with open membership).

Private Groups:

  • Visible only to invited group members (regardless of whether they have accepted the invitation)
  • Hidden from group searches on the Zotero website
  • Not shown on members' public profile pages
  • Not included in search engine results

Public Groups with Closed Membership:

  • Visible to anyone via the Zotero website
  • Only invited users can join the group
  • Any Zotero user can request an invitation; it's up to the group's owner(s) and/or administrator(s) to issue one
  • Administrators can choose to show or hide the entire group library or individual collections from non-members
  • Entire group library may be made private, in which case the group will have a public information page but the library will remain hidden

Public Groups with Open Membership:

  • Visible to anyone via the Zotero website
  • Any Zotero user can join without requesting an invitation
  • Administrators can choose to show or hide the entire library or individual collections from non-members
  • Entire group library may be made private, in which case the group will have a public information page but the library will remain hidden

Invite Members

Once you've created your group you'll want to invite other people to join. To do so, go to the Members tab under Group Settings and click Send More Invitations. You'll see a display similar to this one:

You can enter a comma-separated list of members to invite, along with an optional personalized message. If you don't know whether the people you want to invite already have Zotero accounts, you can enter their email addresses; each invitee will receive an email with a link inviting them to set up a Zotero account and join your new group.

Displayed at the bottom of the Members tab of the Group Settings is a list of all members who have been invited but who have not yet responded. You can cancel invitations that have not yet received a response.

Note that currently, invitees must use the login link in the invitation email to log in or create a Zotero account, in order for the invitation to be accepted. If an invitee decides to set up an account without clicking the link, he/she will have effectively joined the group without accepting the invitation. In this case you may end up with spurious unaccepted invitations in your group's member settings; these can be safely cancelled without affecting group membership.