Use the links below as instructed during classtime.
Strikes, ladies tailors, N.Y., Feb. 1910, picket girls on duty. Library of Congress.
The following sources provide in-depth biographical information about famous Americans. The Notable American Women volumes have persons from this era throughout, so you may need to search all three of them to find the one you're looking for.
The following database incorporates all of the Notable American Women volumes as well as many other sources of biographical information.
Course reserves: Doane Library Catalog (LAR101: Power of Stories) - The best way to locate additional material on suffrage, labor, and the New Woman to read the items on reserve for your class; be sure to carefully examine the footnotes and bibliographical references for leads on additional scholarship. Scholars' suggestions are the vital key in any library search.
You also can browse the titles on the Finding Books page of this guide.
Use scholarly encyclopedias and dictionaries such as those below for an overview of your topic, definitions, a list of suggested readings, and (sometimes) a lead on related primary source material. These sources can put your character and the events into context and make your research more interesting. If you see a call number listed after a title, the encyclopedias are located in the Reference collection in the compact shelving in the southeast corner on the lower level of the library.
The Doane library has many reference materials that contain more specialized information on various topics, such as these encyclopedias: