Citing your sources in a research paper allows you to give credit to the creators of the information you are drawing on.

You should cite a source whether you are including a direct quote or paraphrasing. Beyond giving credit and avoiding plagiarism, citing your sources also proves that you are building your argument on solid evidence.
By completing your research project, you are adding your voice to an ongoing conversation about your topic. Providing citations allows your reader to follow the trail of your research to see what others in the discussion are saying. Here is some more insight from the Yale University Center for Teaching and Learning:
"Academics conceive of scholarship as an ongoing and collaborative enterprise. Rather than try to invent a field from scratch, we read what others have discovered and try to build on or extend it in our own work. One scholar’s sources can therefore be an invaluable contribution to another’s research. So while we read your work looking for your original ideas, we also want help knowing how to pursue related questions. In this way, acknowledging your sources greatly enhances your paper’s value, as it shows readers where they might look to test, explore, and extend your conclusions."
Yale University Center for Teaching and Learning. Why cite your sources in academic writing? (n.d.). Retrieved August 3, 2018, from