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HHP 325: Research for Health Sciences and Human Performance

Provides guidance on finding resources for HHP research topics as well as tips for doing more effective research.


Libraries subscribe to various types of periodicals, such as scholarly (some of which may be peer-reviewed or refereed, blind peer-reviewed, editorial review), popular, or trade publications. Choosing which to use depends on your topic, the type of writing you are doing, your assignment, and the sources your professor wants you to use. Many databases offer the option to limit to "Peer Reviewed." If you're not sure if a journal is considered peer-reviewed, check the journal's website. 

What is a peer-reviewed journal? 

A scholarly/academic journal is peer-reviewed when manuscripts are sent to experts, sometimes anonymously (blind peer-reviewed), in the related field. They make recommendations to editor for publication, rejection or revision. These journals are generally thought to be of the highest quality.

Reading Scholarly/Scientific Articles

Reading a long scientific article can seem difficult, but if you learn how to properly read a scholarly article, it can make the process much easier! You only need to understand the different parts of scientific articles. 


  The titles of most scholarly articles can give the reader a lot of information about its topic, major ideas, and participants.


  Abstracts summarize the article and give a preview of the information contained in the article. Abstracts should be read with care because they can help you to decide whether to continue reading. 



An article's introduction section should include the purpose of the article, as well as other relevant research or data that can help the reader understand the material in the article. The research question is presented in this part of the article to help the reader to understand the author's expected findings or knowledge to be gained. Keep in mind these questions when reading the introduction:

  • What is the article's purpose being stated in the introduction?
  • Why would this article be of interest to experts in the field?
  • What is already known, or not known, about this topic? 
  • What specifically is the hypothesis? If one is not given, what are the expectations of the author?

You can get a better understanding of the whole article by reading the introduction with these questions in mind. Good research articles answer these questions in the introduction and is consistent with their explanation throughout the rest of the article.



This section explains the experiment or research undertaken. It lets you know why specific procedures were selected, and justifies the design of the experiment. When reading the methods section, keep these questions in mind:

  • What are the specific methods used by the researcher?
  • Does the researcher provide a coherent and viable plan for their experiment?
  • Has the author missed any variables that could effect the results of their findings?
  • How do the methods in this article compare with similar articles?



The results section explains what the author found out from the experiment or study. This section should just state the outcome of the experiment or research, without interpretation. It usually includes numerical or statistical evidence, with accompanying graphs, charts or other figures. Keep these questions in mind as you read this section:

  • How do the results relate to the hypothesis stated in the introduction? 
    • For example: results are correlated and support the hypothesis, results do not support hypothesis, etc. 
  • If there are differences from the hypothesis, what differences did the researcher find?
  • Are the findings described in an unbiased way?



This section summarizes the findings of the study or experiment, and it includes the author's interpretation of the data or other relevant information that have come from the research. This section may include a proposal for new research or insights into the problem undertaken in the introduction. As you read the discussion, keep these questions in mind:

  • Does this present new information that wasn't known before?
  • Can you detect any bias in this information?
  • How do the findings impact the real world? 
    • For example: more research needs to be done, the findings show a solution to a known problem, etc.
  • Are any suggestions made about future research? If there aren't, should there be?


  The conclusion section summarizes the experiment or study's most important findings. On occasion, this section is incorporated into the article's discussion section. 


General Tips

  • Don't be discouraged if you don't understand everything the first time! The skill for reading scientific or scholarly papers takes practice. You may have to read the article more than one time to fully comprehend its contents.  
  • Start with the broad topic of the article, and then go to the specific finer points being made by the author. 
  • Always read the tables, charts, and figures. These visual clues in the methods and results sections of the paper will help you understand the data. They were included for a reason, so don't ignore their importance. 
  • Ask questions and look up definitions. If you do not understand a term or concept, do not be afraid to ask for help or look up an explanation. 

Adapted from "Reading a Scientific Paper," University of Indiana, 2024

5 W's of Source Evaluation

Evaluating sources is all about thinking critically not just about the credibility or trustworthiness of the source, but also considering its usefulness to your research need.

Use the 5W questions below to help you learn more about a source and decide whether / how to use it in your research.

  • How do you plan to use this source?
    • As a reputable source of information, to critique the information it includes or for some other purpose?
  • Who is the author of the source?
    • What are their credentials or expertise?
    • Has this work been cited by other scholars?
  • What type of source is it?
    • Is it primary or secondary?
    • Is it a journal article, book, website or something else?
  • Where did you find this article?
    • In the library's catalog or databases, or on the open web?
    • Who published it and what is their reputation?
  • Where did the funding come from for this article to be written?
  • When was the source published? 
    • Is it too old or too new for your purposes?
  • Why was the source written? 
    • Is the information in it fact, opinion, or propaganda? 
    • Can you detect a bias?

Using your answers to the above questions, do you still plan to use this source?

Source: Kirsten Hansen, "Do you trust this source?" Project CORA lesson plan.