Do you have an article citation but you don't know if Doane Library has the full text, in electronic or print format? Use our Journal Finder to search for journal titles and what years we have access to.
Select the appropriate button for the kind of search you're doing and enter the information you have. Journal Finder will tell you if we have it and links to the databases where it can found.
This first time you click on a link for any resource from the library, whether it's a link in the catalog or to a database, you will be prompted to login to the library's proxy server.
You will recognize the Doane logo on the page; just enter your Doane login credentials on this page and you're in!
You don't need to login at any other time while you have your browser open (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.). If you get any other login prompts, please contact the library for assistance.
There will be times when you find citations to articles, books or other pieces of information but the full text of the material is not online or not available in the library's collections. This is the time to use the library's interlibrary loan system! Click on the link below and fill out the form using your Doane Gmail address. The library staff will locate and borrow the material for you from other libraries around the country and sometimes the world.
Students in Nebraska may also get a library card at another college or university in the state for free through the Reciprocal Borrowing Program. This will be faster than using Interlibrary Loan for books.