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Reacting to the Past: Greenwich Village, 1913

Digital Newspapers

The following websites can help you find newspapers of the time period in the United States:

"Contemporary" Magazines

Here are a couple of magazines that were popular during the early part of the 20th century:

  • The Masses - Published between 1911 and 1917, this magazine was a blend of politics and art, mirroring bohemian life in Greenwich Village at the time.
  • McClure's - This monthly illustrated magazine has been credited with popularizing muckraking journalism at the turn of the century.

The Doane Library has several journal article indexes for the time period, but the following is the only one that indexes popular magazines from that time:

Primary Sources in Books

Manuscripts and Books

Doane Library Catalog - Remember to search people and organizations as both author and subject. Searching by author will retrieve additional primary source material; searching by subject will retrieve both secondary literature and possibly additional primary sources.

You also may find primary resources by using words like "diary" or "memoir" in your search.