These codes and standards are available for reference in Perkins Library.
What is a standard?
A standard is "a recognized unit of comparison by which the correctness of others can be determined" or it's "a set of characteristics or qualities that describes features of a product, process, or service." (ANSI Course "Why Standards Matter")
Scientific and professional organizations such as the ASTM, ASME, IEEE, trade organizations, and governments create and produce standards. Standards may be national or international. In the United States, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) coordinates many standards producing organizations. ANSI is also the sole US representative to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
How to Search for Standards
The links below will open PDF documents with how-to guides for searching in different standards portals.
What is an IBR standard?
IBR stands for "Incorporated By Reference." Sometimes laws are passed that require compliance with a specific standard(s); these standards may be called "IBR standards" or designated as having been "IBR-ed."
Get free, read-only access to IBR standards using the ANSI IBR portal below:
Accessibility Standards:
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), designers are required to adhere to standards to ensure buildings and spaces are usable for people with a variety of ability levels.
Search for additional standards:
Note: The Doane Library does not subscribe to the "order" feature of the below databases, but you can use them to verify titles and standard numbers.
What is a technical report?
Technical reports describe the process, progress, or results of technical or scientific research. They include in-depth experimental details, data, and results. Technical reports are usually produced to report on a specific research need. They can serve as a report of accountability to the organization funding the research. They provides access to the information before it is published elsewhere. Technical Reports are usually not peer-reviewed. They need to be evaluated on how the problem, research method, and results are described.
Use the resources below to find technical reports.
What is a patent?
A patent is a legal document giving the patent owner certain exclusive rights to his/her invention for a limited time.
Patents are an excellent source of information on new technology, trends in technological development, and specific products or innovations.
Use the resources below to locate patents.