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Databases for News Articles

You can also use search engines like Google to find news articles, such as Google which has a News site:

Evaluating News Articles


Although there have always been questionable news articles, the Internet and social media has made it easier to spread false and misleading information.  But is it misinformation or disinformation?  What's the difference?

"Misinformation" typically describes falsehoods of fact that are spread either purposely or accidentally. Satire is an example of purposeful misinformation, while unintentional journalistic inaccuracies offer an example of accidental misinformation. "Disinformation," on the other hand, always refers to information specifically designed to mislead or deceive consumers to influence their attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors. Thus, fake news is disinformation, not misinformation.


Investigate your source
What is the author's expertise?  What are the publisher or sponsor's values? Check the site's "About" page or see if Wikipedia has an article about the publication or publisher/sponsor

Find the original source of information
Follow links, look up quotes and names of people or organizations mentioned in the article to determine if the original source's context is maintained in your source.

Look for trusted sources
Use fact-checking sites to verify the article's claim. Look for and skim other articles on the topic to determine whether your article has the consensus viewpoint or a point of disagreement or somewhere in-between.

Check Your Facts

Use one of the following fact-checking sites to see if the claim or main argument of your source is true or confirmed.

Keep This in Mind: IMVAIN

Here are some tips from the Center for News Literacy at Stony Brook University when considering the reliability of a news article:

  • Independent sources are preferable to self-interest sources
  • Multiple sources are preferable to a report based on a single source
  • Sources who Verify or provide verifiable information are preferable to those who just assert;
  • Authoritative and/or Informative sources are preferable to sources who are uninformed or lack authoritative background
  • Named sources are better than anonymous ones