Middle East News Agencies on the InternetA simple way to find news from Middle Eastern countries is to use this list of News Agencies by Country in Wikipedia. The websites for the agencies are likely to have an English translation button, or you can use Google's translate feature. Dr. Jarvis also recommends the following website to find international news in the English language: |
The websites listed below are freely available on the Internet. However, if you want to search for particular topics or articles in a news source, use the links in the right column (login required when you are off campus).
These databases include newspaper sources from the United States and countries around the world.
Transcripts of news programs on television, radio, podcasts and other media sources are another way to find information. Access transcripts from major television networks such as CNN, ABC and Fox, and radio programs like NPR's All Things Considered. You might also find articles published as web-only sources from news magazines like The Atlantic and websites like ProPublica.
Search the databases listed below to find these types of resources.
Is all media biased? In some ways, yes, but you can work around biased reporting by finding different sides of the story from various sources. This chart from AllSides.com shows the political leanings of some American media sources. Check out AllSides.com to determine the biases that occur in media reporting.
One easy way to discover a newspaper or news agency's bias is to look it up in Wikipedia. If it isn't stated in the article's introduction, look for a section called "Editorial Position." As always, though, with a social media site, try to look into its references.