"With a membership of school counseling professionals from around the world, ASCA focuses on providing professional development, enhancing school counseling programs and researching effective school counseling practices."
The ACA Traumatology Interest Network has compiled a list of fact sheets about Disaster Mental Health, and related resources.
The American Psychiatric Association is a medical specialty society recognized world-wide. Its 37,000 U.S. and international member physicians work together to ensure humane care and effective treatment for all persons with mental disorder, including mental retardation and substance-related disorders. Includes Position Statement on the Insanity Defense.
Produced by the national Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information and the National Adoption Information Clearinghouse, this gateway site replaces the former Child Abuse, Child Welfare & Adoption database.
Established by Congress in 2000, the NCTSN is a unique collaboration of academic and community-based service centers whose mission is to raise the standard of care and increase access to services for traumatized children and their families across the United States. Combining knowledge of child development, expertise in the full range of child traumatic experiences, and attention to cultural perspectives, the NCTSN serves as a national resource for developing and disseminating evidence-based...
ACAC is a support and information network for counselors who work with children and adolescents...ACAC supports counselors working with children and adolescents from birth through adolescent. The breadth of this developmental range offers its own unique experiences and challenges.
Association for Child and Adolescent Counseling aims to focus on the training needs of counselors who work with children and adolescents, while also providing professional support to those counselors, whether they are school counselors, play therapists, or counselor educators.
The Association for Creativity in Counseling (ACC) is a forum for counselors, counselor educators, creative arts therapists and counselors in training to explore unique and diverse approaches to counseling. ACC's goal is to promote greater awareness, advocacy, and understanding of diverse and creative approaches to counseling.
ACCA is one of the newest divisions of the American Counseling Association. Chartered in 1991, the focus of Ioana Marcus ACCA is to foster student development in colleges, universities, and community colleges.
Educates counselors to the unique needs of client identity development; and a non-threatening counseling environment by aiding in the reduction of stereotypical thinking and homoprejudice.
Originally the Association of Non-White Concerns in Personnel and Guidance, AMCD was chartered in 1972. AMCD strives to improve cultural, ethnic and racial empathy and understanding by programs to advance and sustain personal growth
Originally the National Catholic Guidance Conference, ASERVIC was chartered in 1974. ASERVIC is devoted to professionals who believe that spiritual, ethical, religious, and other human values are essential to the full development of the person and to the discipline of counseling.
Chartered in 1973, ASGW provides professional leadership in the field of group work, establishes standards for professional training, and supports research and the dissemination of knowledge.
CSJ is a community of counselors, counselor educators, graduate students, and school and community leaders who seek equity and an end to oppression and injustice affecting clients, students, counselors, families, communities, schools, workplaces, governments, and other social and institutional systems.
Originally the National Vocational Guidance Association, NCDA was one of the founding associations of ACA in 1952. NCDA provides professional development, connection, publications, standards, and advocacy to career development professionals who inspire and empower individuals to achieve their career and life goals.
"The mission of the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare (CEBC) is to advance the effective implementation of evidence-based practices for children and families involved with the child welfare system. The primary goal of this website is to provide a searchable database of programs that can be utilized by professionals that serve children and families involved with the child welfare system. Each program description contains easily accessible and vital information, including, at a minimum, a CEBC Scientific Rating, citations and summaries of relevant published peer-reviewed research studies conducted on the program, a brief description of the program, and training and contact information."
The Campbell Collaboration provides systematic reviews in order to help inform policy and service decisions regarding the effectiveness of certain interventions. The Social Welfare Coordinating Group section features both completed reviews and reviews in progress. The library of systematic reviews can be searched by title, author, or keyword, or browsed by broad subject categories (social and human sciences, education, politics, law and economics), most recent documents, or those accessed most frequently.
CSCORE conducts and disseminates findings from research about career, social/emotional, and academic interventions; provides K-12 leaders and practitioners with information about data-based decision-making, evidence-based practices, and program evaluation; and provides international leadership in the measurement of the outcomes of school counseling interventions and programs.
Aims to provide communities, clinicians, policy-makers and others in the field with the information and tools they need to incorporate evidence-based practices into their communities or clinical settings. The Resource Center contains a collection of scientifically-based resources for a broad range of audiences, including Treatment Improvement Protocols, toolkits, resource guides, clinical practice guidelines, and other science-based resources.