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Music Education

Best Places to Start

While Doane's library does not subscribe to any database specifically for music or music education, the following databases can be useful for researching topics in this discipline.

Get Resources Not Available at Doane

There will be times when you find citations to articles, books or other pieces of information but the full text of the material is not online or not available in the library's collections. This is the time to use the library's interlibrary loan system! Click on the link below and fill out the form using your Doane Gmail address. The library staff will locate and borrow the material for you from other libraries around the country and sometimes the world.

Interlibrary Loan Request Form

Students in Nebraska may also get a library card at another college or university in the state for free through the Reciprocal Borrowing Program. This will be faster than using Interlibrary Loan for books.

Questions about interlibrary loan:

  • What if I have several items I want to request? If you have a list of several citations to request you may email the list to the library, but please prioritize the list.
  • Do I have to use the form above if I'm searching in a library database? Several of the databases will have an interlibrary loan or "request this item" link within the database that you can fill out instead. It all works the same!
  • How long does it take? A journal article typically takes 24-72 hours to be sent to your Doane email -- they're yours to keep. Books and other physical items can take 7-14 days to arrive; they'll be sent to wherever you request and then you return them in a timely manner to the nearest Doane campus.